"Papers, please..."
Things are coming to a head. New York City just passed a "mandate" (note the distinction between a "mandate" and a "law" as the difference is not unimportant for Christians who are duty bound to observe the law of the land) that all city workers must show either proof of vaccination, or a weekly negative covid test in order to work. They are strongly recommending that private employers enact the same measures. This is the same vaccination that is still under an Emergency Use Authorization because proper safety studies have not been done. Americans who are opposed to receiving the vaccination tend to be people who are strongly opposed to receiving the vaccine. They are not fence sitters. The term "Vaccine Hesitant" (VH) has been wrongly applied to them, because they are strongly against taking this vaccine. Facebook terms these people "VH" like they had some sort of venereal disease and flags their social media accounts for moni...