"Papers, please..."

 Things are coming to a head.  New York City just passed a "mandate" (note the distinction between a "mandate" and a "law" as the difference is not unimportant for Christians who are duty bound to observe the law of the land) that all city workers must show either proof of vaccination, or a weekly negative covid test in order to work.  They are strongly recommending that private employers enact the same measures.  This is the same vaccination that is still under an Emergency Use Authorization because proper safety studies have not been done.  Americans who are opposed to receiving the vaccination tend to be people who are strongly opposed to receiving the vaccine.  They are not fence sitters.  The term "Vaccine Hesitant" (VH) has been wrongly applied to them, because they are strongly against taking this vaccine.  Facebook terms these people "VH" like they had some sort of venereal disease and flags their social media accounts for monitoring.

For most of my life I was uninformed about vaccines.  That was, until I met several people who told me that their children had died from taking vaccines.  Then I looked into it a bit.  By a stroke of luck I met Dr. Suzanne Humphries, author of the book Dissolving Illusions whose tactful way of explaining the issues related to the safety of vaccines convinced me that there was no reason for me ever to take another vaccine, although up to that point in my life I had taken every vaccine that had ever been recommended.  The first time I declined a vaccine was at my place of employment where I was asked to fill out a declination form for the annual flu inoculation.  I had to work up a little bit of courage that first time I went into Employee Health to fill out that form, but when it was done I felt good about myself.  Every subsequent year it was easier.  When the time came for me to decline the covid vaccine I signed the paper with relish.

The government and media organizations are beginning to act aggressively in their push to vaccinate the public, but I don't really understand why.  Studies show that the harder you push somebody who is against vaccination to take a vaccine, the more vehemently those people will resist.  It is almost like they are trying to provoke us.  With this latest mandate for New York City we are one step closer to what happened in France, where it is now punishable by incarceration for a person to go into a public establishment without a vaccine passport.  I am beginning to wonder if they are pushing us toward the edge on purpose.  Conspiracy Czar Alex Jones has been saying for years that the globalist agenda includes enacting martial law, and it looks as if our own government is intentionally pushing freedom-loving Americans towards that outcome when they ultimately begin stopping us at the checkpoints and ask us "papers, please."


  1. We are interested in how you came to meet Dr. Suzanne Humphries.


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