The Red Pill, revisited

 In my seminal post on this blog I wrote about how I swallowed the "Red Pill."  In some ways my post was a tacit endorsement of the Red Pill, however I should like to follow up with a word of caution.  Before you go and read Red Pill content, it would be best if you had a firm grounding in the basic principles of Christianity because Red Pill content needs to be read with discernment.  For example, much of the Red Pill is simply geared toward getting laid.  For a Christian the only acceptable sex is within the context of marriage.  If you come across some piece of advice about how to get sex (prior to marriage), you are going to have to read past it.

The Red Pill starts at the lowest common denominator.  We assume that you are reading this material because you have suffered in your affairs with women in some way or another.  There are two main entry points to the Red Pill; the first is somebody that has never had any success with women whatsoever, and the second are men who got married and then their wife left them.  To the first we say, "get your act together."  Get a job.  Stop playing video games and smoking weed and eating pizza.  Lift weights (lifting is not optional, it is imperative).  Once you lose the extra pounds and start to fill out your shirts, women will take notice.  For those who are recently divorced the Red Pill can be a life saver.  They should probably read The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi.  This book has saved the lives of countless men who were in the depths of despair.

Personally, trouble with women has caused more suffering than anything else in my life (even more than having a serious mental illness).  Since taking the Red Pill, I have ceased to suffer at the hands of women.  The main lesson that I learned was that you do not let a woman take custody of your heart.  Women are vindictive and capricious by nature; it's not their fault.  It's my fault for ceding control of my emotions to the whims of a vindictive and capricious woman.  I never would have learned this lesson if it weren't for the Red Pill.  So yes, I endorse the Red Pill.  Just don't make it your religion.  The Red Pill is a metaphor for truth, but it is more akin to self-help.  Christ is the Truth.  There are no red pills that you can get a prescription for to take with a glass of water, but in Christianity we can partake of the Eucharist, His very Body and Blood.  Hopefully this has helped to put the Red Pill in the proper perspective.


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