How and Why I Swallowed the Red Pill

By now everybody ought to be familiar with the scene from The Matrix in which Morpheus offers Neo the red pill.  References to the Red Pill have, by now, become ubiquitous in mainstream culture.  The Red Pill has come to be a connotation for the truth, however depending on your own personal relationship with truth the Red Pill could also represent everything that is evil and vile in the world.  What many people don't realize is that the original use of the term "red pill," was in the online community of pickup artists in the early 2000's.  From there, the use of the term expanded into politics and culture.  But it's original use was in the "game," community.

At a time in my life when I was (quite unsuccessfully) beginning to  make a serious effort to find a wife, I was told by a trusted friend to read a blogger who went by the name Roissy.  I went and visited Roissy's website, read his most popular post, and for the most part forgot what I had read and went on with my life.  A year later I found myself again talking to my trusted friend and I told him how I had only experienced catastrophe and failure in my efforts at finding a wife.  Once again, my friend suggested that I read Roissy.  "He really understands women," I was told.  And so, once again, I logged onto the internet and looked up this mysterious blogger.  But this time was different.  After searching for the blog I found that it was no longer there.  The search engine instead produced results of other websites where it was being discussed how this notorious blogger's website had been censored.  Deleted.  Gone.  And this was how my curiosity was peaked.  It is like God telling Adam not to eat of the fruit of a certain tree.  It is in human nature to find the forbidden fruit desirable.  And so I went sleuthing around the internet until I found an archive of all the posts on game that had ever been written by Roissy, also known as Chateau Heartiste.  Whereas before I had only read and partially digested one post by this writer, this time I read every post he had ever written on game (which took quite a while).  And I didn't stop there.  I went on to read other prominent and well known writers of the pickup community, which had by this time morphed into the Red Pill community.  The Red Pill community offered insights, support and guidance on relationships with women.  Whatever was the intent behind the censorship of this particular blog - I assume to prevent people from gaining forbidden knowledge - they failed miserably in my case.  In fact, it had the opposite effect.  By censoring the site my desire for it's contents was amplified.  Vengeance!

When you first get into red-pill-type content it feels a bit awkward, like learning to ride a bike.  You might question with yourself, "should I be reading this?"  Eventually you should get over it.  You will develop a taste for discovering truths about the world that normal people ("normies") find reprehensible.  The result of my search was that I became at least somewhat proficient in the dating game.  I'm not married at present, but that is by choice instead of necessity.



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