
I'm mostly recovered from my bout with covid.  I had an easier time with it than many by all accounts, thanks in part to early treatment with ivermectin and massive doses of vitamin C, but I want to back up a little bit from my previous post on this subject because I fell into a trap.  People take covid so seriously that one feels compelled to counterbalance that seriousness by making light of it.  I suppose I shouldn't make light of illness, suffering and death.  

Yes, the death counts are greatly exaggerated.  

No, mask mandates have not been shown to reduce the spread of the virus.  

Yes, the folks at Davos have seized upon this crisis as a pretense for ushering in the New World Order.  

No, the vaccines are not safe or effective. 

 I don't deny any of these statements.  But still, when you get covid there is some suffering involved.  The worst of it for me was one night I spent repeatedly waking up, gasping for breath.  When I took a breath in it felt like there was broken glass in my lungs.  I also had to miss at least a week of work, which is uncommon for me.  So yeah, there is a flu going around and it is worse than most years and not being able to breath is not fun.  It can be terrifying, actually.

"You tell us then, Mr. Penitent, what should be done about the virus?"  Let it run it's course, I say.  Wouldn't you rather just go on about your daily life as you have always done, come what may?  The other day I was at the gym, pretending to wear my mask, and I thought to myself: "I'd rather just take my chances with death than have to deal with all of this stress revolving around the virus."  I imagine that if you are reading this you are not far from this same line of reasoning.


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