Don't Sleep on Young P.

I work as a groundskeeper at a hospital.  I’ve been working there for 18 years.  It’s a four man crew.  I’m the only person in the department who graduated from high school, and sometimes I feel out of place.  When I was in high school I went to class and passed without having to study.  The guys in my department skipped class to smoke cigarettes and joints, probably.  They didn’t study either, probably.  The previous lead of our department also didn’t graduate high school.  He could barely even read or write.  When he would try to write “grounds” (as in “grounds department”) he would spell it “gronds.”  I could just picture him staring into space and trying to pronounce the word phonetically, mouthing the “o” sound, when he figured that one out.  Nobody ever said anything to him because it probably wouldn’t have done any good because he was so hard headed that he was impervious to being told anything.  Also, we thought it was funny.  You can read “gronds” every day and it will still be funny the next time you read it.

Why am I in the grounds department with a bunch of slackers?  Well, it’s a long story.  The short of it is that I have a criminal background that is so frightening that nobody else would hire me.  I’m barred from any respectable profession by virtue of this fact.  The only reason I got hired here was because my father was a doctor at said hospital and he pulled a string.  The HR department was going to pass on my application and when my dad heard that he called them up and gave them an earful.  The HR lady called me and apologized and said I was hired.

I didn’t just graduate from high school without having to study, I did the exact same thing in college.  I’m pretty clever.  I speak four or five languages, two or three of those being self-taught.  And so you have a situation where a smart guy is stuck in a dead end job that doesn’t require much brain power.  But that brain power demands output.  Where does it go?  I have several outlets.  For the past 20 years I have studied the art of arts and the science of sciences - that is, the spiritual life.  It is said that whatever you spend the most time doing, that is what you are.  If I’m not at work, I’m at home praying and reading scripture.  I’m struggling to acquire virtue, because that’s the only thing you can take with you when you die.  Oh, and for the last several years I have begun funneling all of my talent and brain power and desire to serve God into my public ministry, my YouTube channel.  

I’m no slouch.  Don’t sleep on Young P.


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