I've gone through several stages in deciding what to think about this novel Coronavirus. Briefly I considered the possibility that there was no virus, after watching David Icke's interview on London Real at the start of the outbreak. Even if he was wrong, kudos to Mr. Icke for having the courage to break the taboo and contradict the narrative that was being played out in the media. The media tried to label such ideas as "dangerous," but I think in the end he caused no harm at all and probably did some good by saying such a thing. Then the conspiracy theorist in me had an idea of his own and thought that perhaps 'Rona was simply the common cold re-branded as something dangerous, but the idea sort of petered out and led to nothing as it wasn't based on any evidence. Finally, I had to admit that perhaps, maybe, there is a bug going around. I know several people who have had the illness, and it certainly seems to fit a certain pattern. It might even pose a danger if you are old or in ill-health. But that doesn't change the fact that the reaction to the virus was worse than the virus itself and in the end Covid-19 was a hoax. If we had simply done nothing in response to the outbreak of this illness we would have fared better off. And further, had we done nothing, you probably wouldn't have even noticed. People just would have thought of it as the flu.
How was it a hoax? How is it possible that the whole entire world is convinced that this thing was real, and not only real but really dangerous as well? How could so many people be fooled? Don't you believe the science? Actually, no. I don't believe the science. I'm anti-science. To illustrate with an example of how it is possible that the whole world could believe a falsehood, take a look at the moon landing. Supposedly man landed on the moon in 1969 when Nixon was president. I was taught that this was a fact in second grade, so it must be true. The whole world believes it. Well, if you believe that I don't blame you but you probably haven't looked into it too deeply. The more you look into it, the more you will become convinced that the moon landing was a hoax. For a very entertaining dive into the subject, read this series of articles by Dave McGowan. It is both hilarious and extremely convincing.
Another thing that I was taught about when I was in second grade was "global warming." When global warming didn't pan out, they re-named it "climate change," and now anytime we have weather that was different than last week people shrug their shoulders and shake their heads and say "climate change." Then we go on about our day. This is not to deny that we are polluting the atmosphere, but we need to make a distinction between pollution and climate change. Pollution is real. It is not good. Climate change is a hoax. It is an elaborate way to create a tax with which to fund the one world government that will eventually be ruled by the anti-christ. But that is a topic for another day.
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